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Privacy Policy

last updated: 6/10/2020


Nutrition HK values privacy for its users. We are committed to taking all reasonable steps to protect your privacy, and have adopted this Privacy Policy to demonstrate our commitment to protecting your personal information and informing you about how it is handled. 


We only collect limited personal information where we have lawful grounds to do so. This policy defines the information you can expect to be asked and how you can expect it to be treated.


1. Scope


This Privacy Policy describes how Nutrition HK and its affiliates collect and use personal data. This Privacy Policy specifically applies to:

  • Customers: individuals who request or receive nutrition consultation, nutrition or health materials or other products available on Platform

  • Health consultants: individuals who provide consultation, or submit Content to Nutrition HK to provide Services

All those subject to this Privacy Policy are referred to as “users”


2. Information Collection and Use

Nutrition HK collects some personal information when users register or update their Account on the Platform. This may include their name, mobile phone number, email address, login name and password, year of birth, gender, profile picture, payment or banking information and qualifications. 

Nutrition HK collects and uses data for purposes including

  • Providing services and features

    • We use the information to provide, personalise, maintain, and improve our products and services

  • Safety and security

    • We use personal information to maintain the safety, security, and integrity to our services and uses

  • Customer support

    • We may direct questions to the appropriate customer support person and investigate and address use concerns

  • Research and development

    • We may use the information we collect for testing, research, analysis, product development to improve the user experience

  • Enabling communications between users

    • The customers may directly contact the Service providers for the bookings and products. 

  • Marketing

    • We may send users communications about our services, features, promotions, surveys, studies, news, updates and events

  • Non-marketing communications

    • We may inform the users of changes to our Terms of Use, services, or policies and other non-marketing communications. 

  • Legal proceedings and requirements

    • We may use the information to investigate or address claims or disputes relating to use of Nutrition Hong Kong’s services, or as otherwise allowed by applicable law, or as respond to court orders, rules, or subpoenas


3. Information Sharing and Disclosure

Nutrition HK will not sell or share your personally identifiable information to third parties at any time without your consent.


If you consent, Nutrition HK may send personally identifiable information about you to other companies or people when we need to share your information for the product or service 


The User-generated contents, questions or comments from users submitted through public forums such as Nutrition HK social media sites may be viewable by the public, including any personal data included in the the Content submitted by a user

4. Information Retention and Deletion


Nutrition HK gives you the ability to edit your registration information and preferences at any time, including whether you want Nutrition HK to contact you about specials and new products


Nutrition HK retains user profile, transaction, and other information for as long as a user maintains their Account. Your Nutrition HK Account Information is password-protected for your privacy and security


Users may request deletion of their account at any time. Following such requests, Nutrition HK deletes the data that is not required to retain for purposes of regulatory, tax, insurance, litigation, or other legal requirements. In certain circumstances, Nutrition HK may be unable to delete a user’s account, such as if there is an outstanding credit on the account or an unresolved dispute. Upon resolution of the issue preventing deletion, Nutrition HK will delete the account as described above.


5. Changes to Privacy Policy


Nutrition HK may amend this Policy from time to time. If we make any substantial changes in the way we use your personal information we will notify you by either sending you an email or by posting a prominent announcement on our pages. The decision to notify you by one means or the other will be at our discretion, and either method will be deemed effective. 

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